
Pneumatic/mechanical rescue support system

Collapse Rescue,
What´s your plan?
Collapse rescue is easily one of the most difficult challenges faced by fire brigades and rescue teams. Structural collapse emergencies occur almost daily somewhere in the world. "Workmen Trapped During Building Demolition", "Natural Gas Explosions", "Terrorist Bomb", "Earthquake Rocks Residential Area", "Burning Building Collapses - Traps Fire Fighters". We have all seen these or similar news headlines and now we can be better equipped to face these collapse rescue challenges.
The Go Anywhere System

Rescue Struts are truly a "go anywhere" system. Fire brigades and civil defence agencies can move this equipment to a collapse site with relative ease. The operation is simple and safe. All pneumatic fittings are adaptable to your lifting bags and training is available from the world's leading training agencies. Whether you choose the precision of the Acme Strut or the self-locking feature of the LockStroke, both are strong enough for your collapse rescue work.
